Edinburgh Mental Health
3 Nov 2023
Our ECR Seed Funding Scheme for 2023/2024 is now open! This small-scale funding scheme seeks to support Early Career Researchers of all disciplines working within mental health research fields.
What is this funding scheme for?
This small-scale funding scheme seeks to support Early Career Researchers of all disciplines working within mental health research fields. Awards between £3,000-£5,000 will be available to support activities supporting pathways to external funding and/or impact and engagement. These could include, for example:
Support for pilot research projects
Holding a mental health research workshop or networking event to develop inter or multi- disciplinary ideas leading to funded research projects.
Support for patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) activities or projects involving people with lived experience of mental health difficulties.
We expect to fund between 5 and 6 projects/ activities.
Funded projects will only be eligible if the applicants can clearly describe their proposed pathway to external grant funding and/or a pathway to tangible impact and engagement. This might include:
Stating how the proposed project will lead to or would fit as part of a large project or application
Clearly outlining what impact the project or activity might have and how this will be measured or evaluated (e.g. through an impact case study)
Demonstrating, if applicable, how the project will include PPIE or the engagement of people with lived experience. In cases where this may not be applicable (e.g. for particular disciplines) applicants will need to demonstrate how their proposed project will lead to future engagement activities.
Applicants will also need to carefully consider how they will monitor, evaluate and evidence the outcomes and impact of your project. Â All funds must be spent by 31st July 2024, so we encourage projects with an early starting date to ensure maximum chance of delivery.
Who can apply?
This seed funding scheme is open to Early Career Researchers (ECRs) of all disciplines working within mental health research fields. We define ECRs as researchers who:
Are in a postdoctoral position or equivalent, or
Are less than 6 years in their first academic role, or
Have not received major external research funding before.Â
The lead applicant must be based at the University of Edinburgh and their contract must last until at least the 31st of July 2024. We encourage applications from diverse applicants, especially from underrepresented groups and/or those working with underrepresented groups.Â
How will applications be evaluated?
Your applications will be scored by the EMH management team. All outcomes will be communicated with applicants and a full list of successful applications will be shared. In deciding whether to fund your application, we will consider:
Whether the project meets the funding criteria (see ‘what is this funding scheme for’)
Whether the project can realistically be delivered within proposed cost and time constraints.
Whether there is evidence of demand or need for the activities/ research proposed. We encourage innovative proposals, especially those which are challenge led.
Terms and conditions
Any funds awarded will be administered via your school/unit research office. Ensure you speak to your School/unit’s research office before submitting. Local research office deadlines may be earlier to ensure review of applications.
All money must be spent, and projects must be completed by 31st July 2024.
Successful applicants must make themselves available for a mid- project meeting and provide an end-of-project evaluation report to the EMH management team on completion of the project.
Successful applicants must provide a summary of their activities (including, any images, publications, or other relevant documentation) to be included in the Edinburgh Mental Health Network Blog, website, social media, and email updates.
Application procedure
Please complete the application form below and email to emh.network@ed.ac.uk by 15th December 2023. We expect to be able to share funding decisions in mid-January. If you have any questions about this scheme, please contact our Network Coordinator, Jessica Campbell at jcampb15@ed.ac.uk.Â